Disclosed possible risks of vaccination COVID-19


If the effectiveness of the vaccine against the coronavirus, which is now under development, will be below 50-60%, then the risk of vaccination exceed the benefits, said the former sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, the Deputy of the state Duma Gennady Onishchenko.

The MP explained that in this case the immune system of the elderly “will not be an adequate response”. Onishchenko also noted that the study vaccine is important to prove the lack of its negative impact on the development of the fetus in case of pregnant women vaccinated. Why, said former health official requirements for the drug will be very high, same as the vaccine for children.

"it is Important that there was no of teratogenicity, temperature of reaction, because the foreign protein is injected", — said in a conversation with a NSN member.

Wrote NEWS.ru earlier, Sberbank offered its employees to take voluntary participation in the testing of vaccines against coronavirus. Tests of the first sample of the vaccine, which the company sent more than 3 billion rubles, will begin in mid-June, 2020.