respect for the bread became the flesh and blood of the children of soldiers, and they pass on to their descendants. Natalia honors the memory of the Kuban and of their countrymen, who watched every crumb:

“the Grandmother of my compatriot after each meal gently with a clean towel wiped away all the crumbs from the table his hand and unbeknownst to all, she thought, tipping a handful into his mouth. Autographs of Victory live in the hearts of millions of great grandchildren of the winners, who carefully, hand to hand, from mouth to mouth, gave his Memory of our grandparents as the most precious inheritance, because the price their fathers paid exorbitant, to defend our freedom and culture”, reflects the teacher.

the Teacher proudly States: when you read the works of students school “Cedar” at the Russian centre of science and culture in Beirut, see how they love their homeland (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kazakhstan), as remember their roots and are proud of the glorious victories of the ancestors. Natalia is sure that such heirs of the Victory will not allow to distort the history, as if this now someone wanted to.

the Teacher tells about an eleven-year-old Afzali who shares his or her perception of historical memory: “I, like all children in American schools, the story goes that during the Second world war America won. But I am a direct descendant of the heroes of the great Patriotic war. About the war I know from the stories of his grandmother, whose father fought and came back with a Victory… early In the war he was Secretary of the Komsomol city Committee, and could choose a job in the rear. But he volunteered for the front, pre-finished two-month officer training. He served in military intelligence as part of the Third Byelorussian front. During the war, about him, an article was published in the newspaper “Red star” under the telling title “Iron officer”… I would like to devote his life for the benefit of people and pass these values to their descendants.”