In Russian schools after their discovery should abolish common changes. Such a recommendation on the organization of work of educational institutions in terms of preservation of risks of spread of coronavirus infection has released the CPS.

Among other things, it is recommended to secure one room for each class and to schedule classes and for each group so that students from different classes as little as possible overlap. It is also recommended to reduce the number of students in the class.

in addition, the Agency recommended as to organize the stay of children and conducting classes in the open air, subject to weather conditions.

Previously, the CPS has prepared recommendations for businesses of various spheres of activity on observance of sanitary safety in a phased easing of restrictions due coronavirus. Lists the requirements to the organization of work of beauty, baths, stores, workshops, service stations and other businesses. Common are requirements such as mandatory temperature control in employees, providing them with masks, gloves, antiseptics, disinfection of premises and equipment, as well as compliance with social distance.

may 13 due coronavirus in Russia decided to postpone the exam and cancel OGE (basic state exam, which is written by the ninth-graders). In the Ministry of education said that the exam will take only those students who plan to enroll in universities. The rest can be graded in this class based on the results of the year without mandatory exam on the Russian language and mathematics.

Later in the Ministry of education and Ministry of education invited the students to hold prom in online.