to Get on a virtual tour of ancient Moscow mansions from the comfort of home, to make online walk in Paris, Marseille, Leipzig and London, listen to lectures on restoration and architecture will be possible during the second online race, “heritage Day in 2020.” It will hold on may 16, the eve of the International day of museums, said Natalia Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow.
the free stream of the event will be held on the YouTube channel of the Department of cultural heritage of Moscow. And on the official website of the Department in social networks “Facebook”, and “heritage Days” the portal “Learn Moscow” will publish the links to the live broadcast and schedule marathon. Pre-registration is not required.
“this year the Days of historical and cultural heritage take place online, and this format has already managed to prove themselves well. The first marathon was held on April 18. During the 12-hour broadcast to air joined more than five thousand students. Most popular virtual tours, so by 16 may, we have prepared even more online tours with experts. In total there will be seven. Muscovites will be able not only to look into the historical Metropolitan mansions, but also enjoy other European cities. We invite you to join the marathon with the whole family!” — said the head of the Moscow Department of cultural heritage, Alexei Yemelyanov.
the moderator of the second online marathon, like last time, will be journalist and author of documentary films and programs about Moscow Vladimir Rajewski. Using video he will be contacted from the Studio with Russian and international experts in the field of history of architecture, cultural heritage preservation and restoration.
the Duration of each presentation is 45-50 minutes. Some experts, viewers will be able to ask questions during the broadcast. The experts will answer them after their performances.
the Marathon will begin at 11:00 with a welcome speech of the moderator. And at 11:15 Internet users are invited to the first virtual walk “the Roof of Moscow”. Tour guide Olga Tarasova will show scenic views from famous lookouts in different parts of the city. Many are in buildings that are cultural heritage. Among them, Ivan the Great bell tower in the Kremlin. From there you can see old streets of Zamoskvorechye and famous Soviet high-rises. And from the roof of the Central children’s store on Lubyanka shows the arch of the Tretyakov passage. You will also be able to “climb” on the roof of the Polytechnic Museum and the house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. Those who will not be able to go on a tour of “the Roof of Moscow” during an online marathon, you can find it on the portal “Learn Moscow”.
the Landscape and the archaeological heritage of the Lefortovo Park in South-East Moscow will be dedicated to lecture of a specialist in the field of preservation of cultural heritage of the Netherlands Eva Rodionova. Viewers learn that the original layout of the Park was created by the Dutch court physician of Peter I, Nicholas Bidloo, and the Park is recognized as the object of the joint cultural heritage of Russia and the Netherlands. The meeting will begin at 12:00.
At 14:00 engineer and architect Nikola Bellucci will talk about how in Italy restored building, built in the 1930-ies in the style of constructivism and modernism. And at 15:00 there will be an online guided tour of London Sergei Senin. It will not only stop at main attractions such as the tower, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, but also show the modern architecture of the British capital.
to Take a virtual walk through Leipzig everyone is invited at 15:30. The tour guide Anastasia ostretsova will tell about the history of this German city will hold at its center and will show the main sights. So, you can visit the Museum of J. S. Bach and the Church of St. Thomas, where the grave of the composer. Viewers will also see the famous monument to the Battle of Nations near Leipzig. It was erected in honor of the major battles of the nineteenth century. In it the Russian, Austrian, Prussian and Swedish troops defeated the army of Napoleon Bonaparte.
And at 18:00 guide Anastasia Sokolova will hold an online tour of the Ile Saint-Louis, which is located in the centre of Paris. There is a unique architectural ensemble of XVII century. The guide will tell about the history and introduce the main iconic buildings of the island. Among them, the bridge of Louis Philippe, the town hall, house in lozna and other.
See the sights of another French city, Marseille, the audience will be invited at 21:40. Guide to Provence Eugene Cardoso will talk about the monuments of architecture of Marseille twentieth century.
the Last event of the marathon will start at 22:10. Chief editor of “Moscow heritage”, member of the Public chamber of Moscow Philip Smirnov will read excerpts from the book “Red Moscow” in 1920. It was published shortly after Moscow again became the capital, though the Soviet state. In this edition, lots of interesting details about the city and its residents at the time.
international Museum day has been celebrated annually since 1977. His goal is to remind people about how important it is to preserve the cultural heritage. Traditionally, museums in different countries organize free tours, lectures, exhibit artifacts from their vaults.
In the capital, the Days of historical and cultural heritage held annually since 2001. They are confined to the two holidays: International day for the preservation of monuments and sites (18 April), as well as IU��international museums day (18 may).
because of the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection all the cultural institutions of the city are temporarily closed. Until may 31 in Moscow canceled the sports, entertainment, public and other mass events. Also until may 31 to visit over 50 parks, country estates and other public areas. Temporarily suspended the visit to ENEA, Gorky Park, the Museum-reserve “Tsaritsyno” and other recreational areas.
However, to explore the old estates, mansions, hotels and other historical buildings of the city are virtually on the portal “Learn Moscow”. For citizens available online 17 tours for 24 objects of cultural heritage. Without leaving home you can explore the interior of the Petrovsky Palace, and Novo-Yekaterininsky hospital, to wander through the stairs and halls of the Pashkov House or visit the five historic pavilions of the exhibition center.
the Portal “Learn Moscow” is a joint project of the city government departments of information technology, culture, cultural heritage, education and science. Users also available the same application for smartphones “Discover Moscow”, which you can download in the App Store and Google Play.