stirred up the people bill, which proposes to significantly expand the powers of police officers made the same in the state Duma on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, which condemns him to accept. Can only sigh and try to understand what this is all us law-abiding and not the citizens, threatened.

“MK” for several years closely watching MIA with a persistence worthy of a better cause, tries to reshape itself for the incumbent since 2011, the law “On police”. In short, the police asked for and asks for more rights.

In the explanatory Memorandum is, however, delicately called a “clarification” of authority for the sake of “strengthening the protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens”. But the text of the bill should be irrefutable: we are talking about a significant expansion of powers and additional safeguards.

the draft law takes into consideration not only the wishes of the Ministry of internal Affairs and proposals of the regional bodies of state power, “veterans of internal Affairs bodies, public associations and citizens,” confidentially informs further explanatory note. The word “at numerous requests of workers”.

What I want to “clarify” the police?

“currently there is a practical need for a police inspection of the scene, location, premises, vehicles, objects, documents” and generally just anything when you receive the statement or communication about the incident, according to the interior Ministry. The existing law “On police” does not allow to do this fully. After the law update, will allow.

Why you need a “refined” rule permitting police officers to enter the residential houses and other premises, land and territory? The police were able to take “immediate action” to arrest, explains MIA. Now allowed to enter “where it is not called” only to prevent crimes — and it will be possible, only if you receive a message about that in this house, or in hiding a criminal.

the police proposed to give the legal right to open without the consent and prior notification of the owner of a motor vehicle — for “rescue citizens, life and health are at risk”. For example, if the person in the car needs medical attention or unattended abandoned infant “and others,” significantly adds the explanatory note… “Open” the car will be possible, if it is stuck, the culprit or the alleged offender. If the owner is neither sleep nor the spirit of “opening”, the police will notify him within 24 hours and will guard the vehicle. Such powers already have Regardie — and nothing is the same, “calm” the authors…

does this situation when the machine is opened or the doors in the house broke by mistake? No. But the compensation for the damage caused to require not — the bill is honest about it warned.

Police will also inspect citizens “including when there is reason to believe that they hide objects in their possession is stolen”. Watch will and their belongings, cars, and being transported goods in certain areas (e.g. surrounded) — “to prevent carrying (transportation) of subjects, free circulation of which is prohibited or restricted”. It is not “novel”, explain the authors, now this “approach” prescribed by law “On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”, and some subjects of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Altai Republic, Sverdlovsk oblast and Khabarovsk Krai) such a practice. The bill only “disseminates and adapts to modern needs,” this practice, allowing to carry out the inspection in search of weapons, explosives, radiation, chemically and bacteriologically hazardous substances.

Alas, the many innovations why-that has not received clarification. For example, why it is imperative to fully release the police from liability “duties”? Or why the word “shall” in relation to him successively removed from the set of articles of the law “On police”? Now law enforcement authority “shall be submitted” to the citizen when referring to him — and will continue just to “show up”… Kind of the same, but the word “must” is heard still more categorical the order to do so, and not otherwise.

by the Way, to introduce myself and have citizens who suddenly decide to contact the police. To introduce themselves, show their documents, a police officer (also posing), if deemed necessary, additionally, will hold the “identification” applied — strikes on the bases… Last, apparently in order to discourage once again something to ask or say.