Pavel Durov, who created Vkontakte and Telegram, a revolutionary sailor Zhelezniak among It corporations, decided to open people’s eyes to the injustice of the world of lucre. Previously, it was engaged in political information and lecturers society “Knowledge”, and now billionaires. America, said Durov, is a global financial policeman, and he lost his battle with the United States.
recently, the actor was engaged in the debunking of myths about America as the land of opportunity. But that was rather in everyday terms: education, taxes, crime. Now the billionaire was released to the global level.
Durov Resentment for the US is clear — the American Commission on securities has cut its cryptocurrency project Gram. Or, as he writes, “open, free, decentralized exchange of values and ideas.” Developed platform had the potential “to revolutionize the way people store and transfer money and information.” But the revolution was suppressed.
Durov And burst.
What the hell an American court decides that it is possible to buy and sell people? And most importantly — why he forbids it to do, not only in America but throughout the world? That is, in fact, two main question, which asks the billionaire, and that he himself gives the answer.
it’s simple. “We, the people outside the US can vote for our presidents, and to elect our parliaments, but we are still dependent on the United States when it comes to Finance and technology,” – wrote Durov. The United States, according to him, “can use their control over the global financial system to close any Bank or Bank account in the world.” The us government can force Apple and Google to remove the “wrong” apps from the App Store and Google Play.
Thus, according to Durov, “countries do not have full sovereignty over what can be done on their territory.” Well, right in the bull’s eye, the conclusion that obzaviduetsya any state propaganda: “unfortunately, we, 96% of the world population living in other countries, dependent on the decision-makers selected on 4% of the US population”.
Right America was discovered, thank you, cap!
the Economist Igor Nikolaev believes that “to some extent, Durov right”
– you Need to look at the reasons: why the US can behave in monetary, financial sector? But because the U.S. dollar is still the main reserve currency.
the U.S. Economy is one of the two largest in the world. Moreover, it is the most efficient economy in the world. If it was not, then the U.S. government could behave this way. It is natural that having taken the economic factors that situation, they can afford it. And there is no guarantee that another country, taking the economic indicators are in the same position, will not behave exactly the same.
Their behavior, which can even be called a behavior of the policeman, is determined by the housenirvanam in the economy. They understand that they are the main, as though it’s a shame someone didn’t seem.
for God’s Sake: be you main do so that your currency was the main backup, and you will be able to afford much. But I find it hard to imagine that now it was possible to find some external tools to correct this behavior of the United States, deterrence. As they say, against the scrap no reception, okromya other scrap. The scrap is now in the hands of the Americans.
Durov, announcing the cessation of work on the platform and cryptocurrency TON Gram, acknowledged that the scrap was stronger: “Today we are in a vicious circle: you can’t bring more balance to an over-centralized world precisely because it is so centralized”.
Durov wrote: “We leave it to the next generation of entrepreneurs and developers that they have raised the banner… good Luck to all those who are committed to decentralization, balance and equality in the world. You are correct the battle. This battle may well be the most important battle of our generation”.
Well, the lecture society “Knowledge” went and listened to political information, we remember: “there is at the beginning of the revolution, no revolution of the end…”