Information reasons for the conversation are two important documents. On the eve of Rospotrebnadzor issued a document in which, taking into account proposals Computer and prepared recommendations for the organization of the filming process. It includes the items that determine which disinfection measures and security must be respected on the set. Second – and this Maxim Ksenzov declared at the beginning of the Council of experts – may 12, his Agency on a weekly basis monitoring and analysis of financial-economic indicators of key organisations in the field of culture. Appropriate measures and rules of their provision of strategic enterprises was approved may 10 by the government of the Russian Federation. Here are the most interesting places of the performances.

Maxim Ksenzov: “our Efficiency will probably be visible in autumn and winter. It will be clear how the cinematography industry will feel in the next year. We analyzed the situation with those companies who will suffer, appealed to the government to include them in the list for the most affected sectors NACE 59-11. There is not only film companies, film studios and the distribution system, but also broadcasting companies, television stations, music industry. The governmental Commission adopted the NACE relating to cinemas, i.e. the theatrical network today more secure. Thus we are trying now to pay attention to all companies. But, of course, many more questions. We don’t know when will be the starting point, when you begin working the Studio when the film will be released on the shooting, what will happen to cinema networks if they open, when people go to the cinema. Once again, we sent a set of requests and proposals to the government. And continue working in this direction, in particular with the Ministry of economic development to producers of films and TV programs included in the list of the most affected organizations, which means the whole set of support measures. We understand that there are actually two directions. Is to include industries in NACE, as the most affected and the formation of the list of strategic enterprises.

And here may 10 came the decree of the government – the first systematic document that we were waiting for that determines what will be expressed in measures of support of the backbone enterprises in the field of culture and what will be the interaction of the Ministry of culture, Ministry of economic development and industry representatives. The approaches formulated requirements and presented a list of measures. Among the measures of support – state subsidies, deferred payment of taxes, the possibility of obtaining state guarantees for loans and so on. Decisions will be taken by the governmenttion Commission on the basis of the monitoring of such businesses that may 12 will be performed by the Ministry of culture and Ministry of economic development. But you need to understand that the status of “core enterprise” is not only rights but also obligations that this organization will have to perform.”

Sergey Selyanov: “We are ready to go on set. Association of producers of film and television has been working in conjunction with the CPS to develop recommendations. But if tomorrow the President or the Prime Minister say that it is possible to remove, by observing these conditions, not all of the crew will be able to go to the site. Some regions give signals that they are not ready tomorrow to give such permission. Probably the last in this build will be Moscow, the largest region for the production. Because in Moscow the most difficult situation. But, nevertheless, regions, of course, will focus on the center. And what decisions and when you take on the highest level, we do not know.

about the conditions of the impossibility of filming with extras. Will not work. But the difficulty is not just that. In addition to government regulation, there are more personal factors. Different moods of our colleagues – as producers and members of the crew. Someone might refuse. Someone of the producers do not want to assume this responsibility. Some projects just will not work, because not able, with the filming to follow the recommendations. For example, movies where there is kissing scenes with this movie classic, she escapes, he catches up with her. Caught up. Five feet and stop! Then what? To finish computer graphics? This leads to higher prices. As budgets fall. Accordingly, whether the people will it that will change working conditions, and possibly lower wages? Someone willing, some not. It’s a two-way street. Why have we begun to turn? Not only because of their own interests. A small number of 10-12 thousand of our colleagues, our sisters and brothers, sorry for the pathos, the members of the crew – without a salary, completely devoid of livelihood for now. The fact that the industry is not included in the list of victims is rather strange. What else needs to happen? Shooting totally stopped. You can compensate for, perhaps, other ways. At least 50 thousand rubles for two months, April-may, to give all those involved in the filmmaking process. These people 10-12 thousand people. This 500 million – not so much. Would be specific targeted support. And most of them are individual entrepreneurs who are unable to obtain unemployment benefits. And it freelancers – people who are not assigned to the state.”

Yevgeny Mironov: “Movie in Russia is very young, he was only 20 years old. In the 90-ies started our new movie. Earned theaters. Today is also a hard time, as in 90-e years. And it’s great that the Ministry of culture and the CPS allies. The film industry is like no other, requires attention. We are now, as they say leading economists included in the biennial crisis – both economic and spiritual. Who will bring out of this crisis? What are psychologists? Of course, artists of theatre and cinema. Hollywood “pulled by the ears” America during the great depression. Of course, the necessary assistance to the workers in this industry, and urgent. In the theatre this is easier – actors are paid. It is small, 15-20 thousand, and the rest we pay extra – income from performances. The budget is 50 to 50: Federal aid and what makes theatre. But in the movie – a huge army of people: makeup artists, costume designers, property masters, and others. If we do not help them, we industry is not save. Must be the money, created the conditions that we keep the movie, as Lenin said, the most important of the arts”.

Dmitry Tabachuk: “I Want to thank the APKIT, which was supported: there was created an initiative group, which included not only I, but also producers with great experience. We have translated a large number of foreign documents. We must understand that in different countries their anepidemic. We have one in Sweden, which went on its way, – the other in Germany – the third and so on. We Rospotrebnadzor taking into account those recommendations that they have created for other industries, participated in the development of this document. The staff of the CPS, in fact, signed a recommendation at the weekend. It seems to me that this is symbolic. But, as already correctly pointed out, this is just the first step. On the heads of the regions themselves, depending on sanepidemstantsii decide.

But we must understand that in addition to the responsibility of the producer who is responsible by law for the health of employees that work in his area, there is the concept of personal responsibility of each member of the crew that can get infected at work and at home. You can put one or two or three “guards”, which will control to every 2-3 hours has varied masks were processed surface. But it is impossible to control the person who will go to a nearby store and not wear a mask. Producers will not be easy. We calculated about additional expenses – primary, which can be on each shift, in accordance with the requirements of the CPS. They range from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and even more depending on the number of people in the crew. This is due to the acquisition of masks, air purifiers, disinfecting of various liquids, the separate power supply. But the key point is the fact that, unfortunately, will fall burndown. Otherwise, all measures are taken correctlyto fail. This also applies to the phased entry into work areas. I do not exclude that most of the scenes will be back on the street, because it is easier”.

Vlad Ryashin: “We are now talking more and more about the state and about the measures that are taken, it is very necessary and right. But I would expand the topic: there are other market mechanisms to support the industry that require specific consultation regulation. I know that the plans of the Ministry of culture to create a plan of steps before the end of the year – development strategy of the cinema, and there are a number of related things, when we need to use the moment, the pause in active production. Talking about the continuation of anti-piracy initiatives. This accountability, and transparency of our leading streaming platforms, this rebate mandatory (rebate back for shooting in a particular region. – Approx. C. A.). We have undergone an amazing metamorphosis. The government last year has allocated certain budget rebates has been held for two years in talks with international players on the subject of entry into the Russian market as a player. And then in the first quarter, the figure for rebates was removed from the budget. And oddly enough, the pandemic has helped, although this decision was not connected with it. Because if she hadn’t happened and if it was not quarantine, we would now have a brand bliznasi look to our partners, with whom two years have been negotiating. But we must go further. What is the rebate? This does not mean that the government will allocate some strange hundreds of millions or tens of millions of dollars to God knows who. We are talking about something else: about what we, the private sector, will attract investments into the country in the tens, hundreds of millions, and the state, as it operates around the world, will return part of the cost to the investor, who came with the money. Co-production in the world – a very powerful piece of support to local industries.

Another issue is the support of independent producers through the regulation of the rights issue. Here it is possible to make a separate conference at which not all agree. But the subject of commercial use of rights in the manufactured product is very important, and you need regulation.

Care and urgent questions: what will TV channels in the fall of advertising and television market for 30, 40 or even 50 percent? Now sound the worst forecasts. What figures the government will support our broadcasters that can invest in content that no one understands. If channels pay the production, even if will be able to start to produce tomorrow? Are the specialists, knowing that it oboudostoronne movement? That is, on the one hand, producers are required to provide security at the site, the other budgets are falling. As th��oril Deputy Minister of communications Alexey Volin in the context of another example, “the market responded with scissors”. That is, you need to do one thing, and the situation pushes fundamentally to another. Understand the position of the CPS, it is clear how to proceed. On looking at the market, in constant consultation and communication”.

Maxim Averin: “Take, for example, the question of extras. Institute of artists of crowd scenes long flimsy. Often people come just off the street. Of course, there is the danger of them get infected, of course, have to rule it out. Next. I like the weird artist to play at a distance of half a meter, because my job is sensitive. Evgeny spoke about the theater is that it is impossible to play Othello and choke somewhere in the backstage area, and Desdemona in there somewhere. This is ridiculous. And movie art in General intimate. How to play feelings, how to play love when you are away from your partner? To frame you, of course, will not be included in any mask. This is too funny. Although, I think our medical series “Sklifosovsky”, which is now worth and not just (we are working under ether), could raise the issue of the pandemic. I asked the authors to raise the issue, which is usually silent. We try not to notice people who are in trouble with health. And we talked about it in our film, which is dedicated to the work of doctors. Of course, what these people are doing – feat. But most of all I’m still worried about those doctors and health workers, who will shift. When they are engaged in one profession your whole life and suddenly are forced to learn in a hurry the other. It is clear that this professional duty. And in this sense it is necessary to maintain them at the state level, and humanly. As for the movie, of course, I listen to the producers, you know, what losses suffered production. Of course, when you’re on top of this production, harder each mechanism to keep. But I urge that all the same teams of high professionals – the makeup artists, lighting and camera workshops, sound artists and others to keep and not lose. This great workers, who for many years in the profession, these need to be protected”.

Sergey Selyanov: “overall, I believe that shooting should resume. Life is full of dangers and alarms. Not been canceled of injury on the roads, influenza, and tuberculosis, which killed half a million people a year, home injuries and other conditions. Now we are witnessing the drama of the doctors – many are infected and even die in the line of duty. Yes, it seems to be at stake here people’s lives, and here – movie. But every case should be done. We can’t stop life. And then you need to decide specifically in each case. And the content in today’s conditions – vitamin for all people in all countries of the world. Now leading the expression “the content was KOR��eh, and became the Emperor.” And directing a movie is also partly our responsibility. We won’t compare it to medical, but let’s actively seek with the authorities as the cinema back to the viewer.”