Dozens of Genoese palaces of the XVI-XVII centuries, usually inaccessible to the public, will open with 16 may as part of the traditional “Days Rollie”. For the first time, they will be in virtual mode and will be available worldwide. The project is accompanied by additional programme – concerts, Museum exhibitions, lectures and even cooking classes.
Italy, barely allowing citizens to return to work, within two weeks after the easing of quarantine plans to open museums. But one of the most popular cultural projects in the country will start even earlier, but in online mode: from 16 to 23 may, the Genoa is traditionally open their palaces, to which access for the General public is normally closed.
One of the European industrial centers, famous for a powerful port, yacht shipyards and oil refinery, every year a few days back, where the Genoese Republic was the mistress of the seas and the most influential world power with extensive colonies. In 2006 the city came up with a unique program Days Rolli (Rolli Days), which in spring and autumn, each time for only one weekend, the public open free access to the palaces of Genoa. Their Baroque ornaments, is insane in its unrestrained magnificence and splendour, recorded in the drawings of Rubens, who saw in Genoa sample urban development (albums with them, and today you can take as a souvenir).
Today most of the palaces occupied by municipal services, banks, University and colleges, many still owned by private individuals. Until recently they were inaccessible even to most of the Genoese. Changed the program “Days Rollie”. The city remembered the old tradition, when the Republic ordered the owners of the palaces to extend hospitality to the papal and Royal envoys and travelling nobles (one of them was Rubens, who arrived on a diplomatic mission). Rollie is just a list in which all the Palazzo was recorded and categorized.
the Current lists Rollie include more than a hundred of palaces and suburban villas of Genoa, 42 of them were in the list of cultural heritage of UNESCO. Largely because of this pictures of palaces, decorated with gilded stucco work, huge chandeliers, historic furniture, sculpture and frescoes with scenes from the Homeric epics, biographies of Alexander the great or the history of Ancient Rome, is widely distributed in the world.
the Influx of foreign tourists made the city helpful information about the “Rolli Days” on the Internet it is now possible to find even in Russian. Trips (to get to the palaces can only be in a small group with a guide) are conducted not only in Italian but also in English. The previous “Days of Rollie” last autumn, was visited by 130 thousand people. For guests Genoa usually offers a parallel program with the presentation of Ligurian cuisine, classical music concerts, literary evenings – otherwise the town centre will not withstand the influx of visitors and tourists, but beautiful, may not be enough forces went home.
Because of the virtual date is the perfect option for travelers Genoese Republic.
to Get us the tour on the official tourism website of Genoa ( The organizers had planned their unbanal: 16 and 17 may best just to break away from the broadcasts so as not to miss allowed for non-skippable – in these days at noon Moscow time and almost till midnight will change each other more than a dozen palaces, and four of them are in the “Rolli Days” for the first time. Most of the tours that will be led by young historians and art historians, duplicate in the English language. Recordings will be stored on site and after the end of the day.
As usual, the “Rolli Days” – is not only palaces, and the opportunity to learn about the history, literature, life and customs of a region which for several centuries was the center of the region. In the Days of Rollie will include two cycles of the largest museums in the city.
the Royal Palace will present “Exhibition, which is” dedicated to the works, once created in Genoa, but left it.
national gallery of Palazzo Spinola will present their wealth – there lives a fine collection of paintings including works by Rubens and Tintoretto, ceramics, household items.
the Program involves readings, concert of works by nicolò Paganini and all this of culinary school, each lesson which will be devoted to a separate dish of the Ligurian cuisine. Of them in the final, it will be possible to make a full appointment, because it will teach you everything, from appetizers to dessert and cocktail. Translation into English culinary lectures do not assume, but to the Italians to share their favorite recipes, and usually don’t need words.