according to the Pension Fund of Russia, now parents can turn to for funds, even if the child has no social security number. Insurance number will be issued automatically by the register of the Registrar.

the Family is now sufficient to enter the personal Cabinet on the portal to specify the name and date of birth of the child. After that, the social security number is found in the database and added to the statement. Easier and specify in the application for payment details on which will be listed funds. When filling out the electronic form on the website of the Pension Fund to the owner of the certificate is now sufficient to specify only the Bank’s BIC (Bank identifier code) and account number to which you want to transfer funds, and the remaining details will be filled automatically.

the Pension Fund also drew attention that the applicants continue to make mistakes when filling out the application for payment. Thus, among the most common mistakes is when the applicant is not the owner of the certificate and the other parent or even the child himself.

Also common typographical errors when filling out the child’s name or date of birth that does not allow for proper identification. Some claimants confuse Bank details and instead the current account indicates the card number. That is why the FIU as much as possible and simplify the application form.

Payment in the amount of 5 thousand roubles is put to all the families who have the right to maternity capital have appeared or will appear before 1 July of the current year. Including if the funds in the certificate is already entirely consumed. 5 thousand is provided monthly for each child under the age of three years. They are paid in addition to maternity capital, without reducing its size. The application for payment can be submitted until October.