compared To the previous day, an increase of 4626, or 5.1 percent. So far, 1449 people have died from the effects of the Coronavirus.
here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries
- Baden-Württemberg: 19.287 (383 deaths)
- Bavaria: 24.350 (411 deaths)
- Berlin: 3687 (26 deaths)
- Brandenburg: 1452 (27 deaths)
- Bremen: 393 (8 deaths)
- Hamburg: 3019 (15 deaths)
- Hesse: 4567 (59 deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 528 (6 deaths)
- lower Saxony: 6009 (92 deaths)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 20.523 (292 deaths)
- Rheinland-Pfalz: 3847 (32 deaths)
- Saarland: 1532 (24 deaths)
- Saxony: 3006 (34 deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 958 (12 deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 1638 (17 deaths)
- Thüringen: 1144 (11 deaths)
overall: 05.04., 20.10: 95.940 (1449 deaths)
Stand from the day before: 04.04., 20.00: 91.314 (1318 deaths)
source to numbers Infected and death: country health and social ministries.
More to read here: Coronavirus outbreak in the News Ticker University of Erlangen, reports of progress in Corona-therapy – German keep output restrictions Hopp reveals, when Corona vaccine is available and what can still reveals go wrong, FOCUS Online/Wochit Hopp, when Corona vaccine is available – and what is still wrong
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