1. What will you do First when everything is over?
2. With what adjective you would not believe the crisis is for someone who is now in the world?
3. You drink more alcohol?
4. What is the meaning of your work?
5. They changed the crisis?
6. You work from home? If Yes: do you Work more or less than before the pandemic?
7. What do you miss colleagues, their work, peers and colleagues the most?
8. Where would you now prefer?
9. You Like Your Neighbors?
10. In which Restaurant would you like to go eat?
11. What do you do in the Morning after getting Up First?
12. Do you consider yourself a good citizen?
13. Do you feel protected by the state?
14. You take criticism of the Federal Council personally?
15. You are probably going to have to take yourself less decide?
16. What is freedom?
17. You feel comfortable in your own four walls?
18. Who is the Person you miss most? And which Person(s) not missing them at all?
19. You think just more than usual in a higher Power? If not: Would you like to a believer?
20. How, or whom, you will find currently a consolation?
21. You are a Pessimist, optimist or Realist?
22. You often think of death?
23. What is the worst movie you have in the last two weeks seen?
24. What are you thinking about a lot less than before the crisis?
25. What book would you give a friend for his birthday?
26. What are you depending on?
27. They envy children their more robust health?
28. You feel sorry for children, because they should remain, in spite of spring in the house?
29. For what profession you have, since the Corona-crisis, greater attention?
30. What are you exactly proud of?
31. If you encounter other people on the road, what are you doing?
32. How many times per week you are involved in a dispute?
33. With whom do you argue the most?
34. Start the dispute prefer, or you go to him rather out of the way?
35. What should be the Corona again?
36. What in your life is better than it was before the crisis?
37. You are afraid to get used to the new Situation?
38. How much they are afraid to unlearn their social skills?
39. How glad you are to own a Smartphone?
40. How often do you nervous about yourself?
41. You have the feeling that all the others can deal better with the Situation, or Vice versa?
42. How do you feel in front of a video conference and how then?
43. Has improved the relationship to their family members or worse?
44. How often do you forget what day of the week do we have?
45. How often are you on the scale?
46. You have more or less desire to have Sex?
47. Do you dream differently than prior to the Corona?
48. For what thoughts they have embarrassed themselves in the last time?
49. You are in the current Situation, happy to live in Switzerland?
50. Where is your apartment at the most beautiful?
51. Which corner of your apartment, have you rediscovered?
52. You eat healthier, now, where time for cooking is there?
53. You really read more?
54. With what kind of Person you would have to change in this Moment?
55. You are currently listening to other music than usual?
56. You are on the phone like?
57. When did you do the last Time a photo? What?
58. You love your pet even more now than before?
59. If you have a pet a house, you wish to have one?
60. You push certain tasks and house work, even though they are bored?
61. Dating Online makes now sense?
62. If you would now suddenly get a super power, what would you like?
63. You are now wearing the same shirt or the same shirt several times in a row?
64. What type of meal they had so often, that you can’t see them?
65. Do you agree with the statement that the Virus hits the Poor and the rich equally?
66. Who has surprised you in the last few weeks at the most?
67. How many miles scroll well at the moment per day on your Smartphone?
68. What game from your Childhood would make it easier for you this time?
69. What you have patched in the household finally?
70. What is missing for happiness?
your answers are of interest to us! You can write to magazin@sonntagsblick.ch