
The highly anticipated lineup for the 2024 Fantastic Fest has been revealed, promising a thrilling and diverse selection of films for attendees to enjoy. From star-studded premieres to cult classics, this year’s festival is set to be a celebration of the best in strange and wonderful cinema.

One of the standout films at this year’s Fantastic Fest is “Never Let Go,” a new horror movie directed by Alexandre Aja and starring Oscar winner Halle Berry. In this chilling tale, Berry plays a mother trying to protect her children from a world consumed by evil. The film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful storyline and talented cast.

Another highlight of the festival is the world premiere of “Will & Harper,” a documentary about the friendship between SNL legend Will Ferrell and Texan Harper Steele as they navigate life’s transitions. The film promises to offer an intimate look at the bond between these two iconic figures and is sure to be a hit with fans of both Ferrell and Steele.

In addition to these star-studded premieres, Fantastic Fest will also feature a wide range of films from emerging talents and festival alumni. With 79 premiere screenings in total, attendees can expect to see a diverse selection of movies from around the world, including Japan, Estonia, France, New Zealand, Canada, and Indonesia. This year’s lineup is set to showcase the best in international cinema and provide a platform for up-and-coming filmmakers to showcase their work.

As the festival enters its 19th year, it continues its tradition of restorations and revivals, with a focus on showcasing cult classics and milestone films. Audiences can look forward to special screenings of films like “The Guest” and “Raze,” as well as a new 4K scan of Tarsem Singh’s visually stunning fantasy, “The Fall.” These restorations offer attendees the chance to revisit beloved classics and experience them in a whole new light.

With a lineup that includes everything from horror to comedy to drama, the 2024 Fantastic Fest promises to be an exciting and unforgettable event for film lovers. Whether you’re a fan of big-budget blockbusters or indie gems, there’s something for everyone at this year’s festival. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience the best of strange and wonderful cinema at Fantastic Fest 2024.

Exciting Premieres and Star-Studded Screenings

Diverse Selection of Films and Emerging Talents

Restorations and Revivals: Celebrating Cult Classics