one in five businesses in the care sector and the green sector (including agricultural and horticultural companies), during the easter holidays student employees are used. Eighteen per cent of the 297 companies that have Acerta between the 2nd and the 7th of april rules, which are expected in the coming summer holidays, more working students need to have more than last year. Notification to the human resources of the service provider, on Friday.

now, student workers are coronatijden is of great importance for the labour shortage on the taken in of these, for the society’s vital sectors. 69% of the companies in turn during the easter holidays, as many student workers as of last year, when 7 per cent of the one way or another.

In the green industry, it is the period of the seasonal employment. In april and may of each year, with between 15,000 and 25,000 seizoenswerknemers used, often in the Middle East, and Europe. “Even with the modified SOCIAL security rules for seasonal labour will be the 25,000 it was not, as many people will be stopped at the European borders. 21% of businesses in the horticultural sector to put these easter holidays then also, student employees are at work,” according to Acerta.

In the health care sector (hospitals, rest homes, home, …), leads to the coronapandemie to a new peak. Not all jobs are equally accessible for working students. Students who have their education to the specific qualifications of the acquisition, will be eligible, such as nurses-in-training.

In all of the surveyed sectors pay for the summer and 77 per cent on the equivalent number of working students, as in the previous year. 23 per cent of working less and think less and less student workers need to have.

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