Already the 575 patients in the hospitals and 99 people are involved in intensive care. Yet, even in 64 deaths and up to 1,850 new infections. Record figures the. Less than a week ago, the total number of deaths at 67, and then, when we were shocked, because at one time, 30 people had died. And yet, specialists are in a favourable trend in the new data. “Without the effort, it was a lot worse here.”

Steven Van Gucht from the Sciensano was yesterday I had a series of recordstijgingen communication coronacrisis, but there was again stoic in the. “The effect of the epidemic has diminished,” he said, in fact. However, the count for the number of infections doorschoot to 9.134, in one fell swoop, to 1,850 in there. Also, the increase in the number of occupied hospital beds is greater than ever before, and the number of places available on intensive care is shrinking. But still, to see specialists, which is an encouraging trend.


First, the increase in the number of infections: there is an obvious reason for that. “There is also a large laboratory in Wallonia, there is no number reported, and all of its numbers forward, right away five hundred cases,” said Van Gucht. “That’s not all, infections, etc.). We are also on the capacity of the laboratory is on the increase.”

the idea is to get the virus get better in the future. The number of coronabesmettingen will be so strong to keep going up, but that doesn’t mean that the virus spreads faster.

Photo: Fred Debrock

the Number of hospital beds?

as A better parameter is the number of occupied hospital beds. Especially those in intensive care. It is just that as much as possible that we are all “our side” must remain on. But the figures seem to be wild and the fire. “We have to have a margin of safety, but to see the occupancy rates increase,” says Van Gucht. “It’s going up more slowly than if we had done nothing, but they are increasing all the time.”

The declaration is this: the major scale. If every infected person, two people are the area is infected, it doubles to be that way every time, and the number of infections. From two to four, from four eight, from eight to sixteen. And so, the small numbers of plots are very high.

SEE ALSO. The most important number that we don’t know about the card cheating, a set of five coronagrafieken, and how to read it (+)

“It’s not the absolute numbers that we have seen a reduction,” says Geert Molenberghs, professor of Biostatistics at the catholic university of Leuven, belgium. “You’ll have to calculate the number of days is the number of vectors is doubled. The longer it goes, the more likely it is that there is now also a back room to be released.”

For that reason, it will communicate Sciensano every day, the number of people in the hospital and has to leave. “We have to keep in mind that it can sometimes be only a few weeks in the hospital, so we have to go to the measures that need to continue, even if we are in the plateaufase, or a falling stage,” says Van Gucht.

Number of deaths?

And then there is the death rate. All 353 families in mourning, which was 64 more than the previous day. A week ago we were shocked on Saturday morning to a sharp increase of 30 to 67 deaths in total. “As long as we have the death of time in those statistics, is that it is a reliable parameter,” says Molenberghs. With one caveat: in a hospital, that is, such a paper, to stay out of the confirmed cases, and sometimes with some delay. Therefore, there can be a day-to-day, however, some variations. You are able to, the mortality rates also don’t see where the victims have been infected. Sometimes it was just a matter of days, sometimes even weeks.”

doubling every X days:

In terms of the absolute numbers, we should therefore not pin down. “In New York city for each of the two days, which is a catastrophe,” says Molenberghs. “For us, for the next three days, which is quietly evolving in the direction of the clergy. In South Korea, doubling in the number of infections is now in order to forty-five days, then leave to cure the patients of the hospital more quickly than new ones are being recorded. It is reasonable for the health care system.”

see also:

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What is the corona virus? What are the symptoms? How can infection be avoided? What if you get sick? What measures are there in Belgium? For more about the corona virus, If you get through all of the numbers in the story are lost: one of the important coronagrafieken, and how they interpret
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