About 250 Russians boarded the aircraft operated by the Royal Flight on Friday flew on the route Mauritius—Johannesburg (South Africa)—Zanzibar (Tanzania)—Moscow. The pandemic is in the early stages these people were forced to stay in African countries since March, and sometimes longer. It is only the first of these flights: only in South Africa departure expect another 90 compatriots. “Kommersant” talked to some of those who were able to take advantage of export voyage, and who have not received such an opportunity.Flight Mauritius—Johannesburg (South Africa)—Zanzibar (Tanzania)—Moscow, who on Friday made a Russian airline Royal Flight, was unique. If other export routes are organised mainly for the residents of several Russian regions, this could get all Russians without exception. In addition, at least two passengers that got on the Board in Tanzania and South Africa, told “Kommersant” that for them the flight was free. Usually free flights can only count those who had return tickets of the Russian airlines, but in this case this condition is not observed.Considered to be unique and the first point of the route. The fact that on the island of Mauritius in the Indian ocean on 12 may, there is not one active case of coronavirus COVID-19. Of the 332 cases there is ten people died and 322 were recovered. Knew about it and the Russian tourists who have registered on an export flight. “Mauritius has officially stated cases not. Why are we lucky in the Observatory?” — outraged one of them in the Telegram chat specifically established to coordinate the passengers. Another passenger wondered whether to abandon the Observatory, by paying the fine, but received a negative response.Recall Observatory is a special medical institution to undergo quarantine after returning from abroad. Opportunities to avoid the Observatory a bit: if the passenger lives in Moscow or the Moscow region or if the Governor of another region have organized a Shuttle service specifically for this flight.The flight route caused a lot of questions and even discontent. For example, some Russians, stuck in the South African Cape town, were dissatisfied with that to get on a plane can only be in Johannesburg, where tourists are supposedly much smaller. However, as “Kommersant” found out, it is not so. As reported by “Kommersant”, the General Consulate of Russia in Cape town, now in their district remains more than 90 Russians, while on a flight to Johannesburg got 97 people. However, 17 of them however, came from Cape town — this for diplomats has issued a special pass that allows you to move from one region to another.Resident of the Moscow region Julia Prokofiev together with her husband drove 1400 km from Cape town to Johannesburg in a rented car. This journey took them all day, the cat��which they had to pass through many checkpoints. “We were asked where we were going and if we have the weapon, and then asked to go into the cubicle and measured temperature,— told “Kommersant” the Russian woman.— The nurse pointed at the forehead of the remote thermometer, it showed a total of 34.7. Data was entered into a notebook, and we went on.”However, the majority of Russians preferred to wait for a separate flight from Cape town. According to Russian diplomats in South Africa, a flight needs to organize, but in the schedule, which has made until may 23, it is not. But on may 16, scheduled flight from a different African country of Angola.One of them — from St. Petersburg, Oleg, who is resting on the island for the first time. To spare, he arrived there on 18 February from Tallinn with a stopover in Paris, planning to return on 26 March the same route. “However, the island was closed on March 19 and closed the Schengen domestic flights for foreigners even earlier”,— told “Kommersant” a traveler without losing optimism. Living in a not too safe area away from local residents, he States: “the Situation is not critical, neither in financial nor in moral terms”. Only worried about his 82-year-old mother left in the village near St. Petersburg: “She needs help in a domestic plan.” Oleg is pleased with the work of Russian diplomats in Madagascar and waiting for the export of the flight, but noted: his way from the town of Toamasina, where he now lives, to the capital will take at least three days.A difficult situation at Irina Shuvalova of St. Petersburg: my husband and I in the event of departure will be forced to leave in Africa car, which reached Ethiopia. “We went from October, hoping to travel the whole of Africa to Morocco. Georgia, Armenia, Iran, on the ferry to the United Arab Emirates, then Saudi Arabia— says “Kommersant” Ms. Shuvalova.— In Bahrain made a visa to North Sudan and went there again on the ferry. Out March 8 moved to Ethiopia and for more than a month sitting in Addis Ababa. At the hotel with us live Russian doctors who work here under contract”.”We have already agreed with one Ethiopian on the possibility to leave the car in storage, if we take you home,— she continues.— He already has machines with the Dutch and Swiss rooms.”Kirill Krivosheev
Export flights reached Africa Home flew the Russians from Tanzania, South Africa and Mauritius