In the first quarter, the Central Bank conducted inspections in several small non-state pension funds (NPF), which focuses only on non-state pension provision (NGOs). They were comprehensive, although previously, the regulator promised to discontinue the practice.Of the Central Bank in the first quarter of 2020 had to be held in several small NPF contact comprehensive checks. This was told “Kommersant” in the funds and their counterparties and colleagues. “The audit was related to all aspects of activities of NPF and was similar to that which the Fund held at the end of 2016,”— said one of interlocutors of “Kommersant”. “Checked in full, and each plot was employee of the Central Bank. They could be even more than employees of the Fund,” notes another. The regulator has time to check the APK Fund, “Shipbuilder”, Vnesheconomfund and had to go to the Fund “Ingosstrakh-pension,” according to interlocutors””. In this NPF stated that they have no notice of the Central Bank of the planned inspection activities.At the end of March, the Central Bank announced that, in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection suspends checking of the participants of the collective investment market, the completion of which is foreseen after March, and transports them to the period after 1 July. As stated by the President of the National Association NPF (NAPF) Konstantin Ugryumov, “before the conduct restrictions associated with the pandemic, verify funds NAPF (the Association includes APK-Fund and “Shipbuilder”.— “Kommersant”), the Bank of Russia was planned and carried out in a usual mode”.The last time the controller checked the small pension funds in late 2016 — early 2017. According to the instructions of the Central Bank, pension funds are required to pass the test control “at least once in three years” if the size of their pension reserves “within six calendar months in a row exceed 10 billion rubles”. In addition, the Director of the Department of collective investments of the Bank of Russia Kirill Pronin has argued that the reason for the inspection NPF with assets less than 10 billion RUB. and working only for NGOs can be a change in the structure of assets in the downside, failure to perform the requirements of the Central Bank, etc. as of April 27, 2020 in Russia were 44 NPF. After joining NPF “Rostvertol” to the Fund “assistance” the number should be reduced to 43. Of these, eight NPF had assets less than 10 billion RUB., and worked only on non-state pension provision (NGOs). Pension reserves for these funds at beginning of the year was slightly more than 8.5 billion rubles. On the request of the Association NPF (ANPP) on the frequency of inspections of small funds (with letter to the TSB reviewed, “b”, the Association confirmed its dispatch), the Department of collective investments responded (response read “b”) that follows the previously released items. However, the Department also drew attention that in respect��sent to NPF, the Central Bank may also conduct an unscheduled inspection “in case of detection in their activities of significant risks.” “Held at our Fund verification, the Central Bank was of routine nature,”— says one of the interlocutors “Kommersant”. The Central Bank did not respond to a request “b”.”Previous analysis of small funds operating in the format of NGOs, held on the eve of corporatization, the current round of inspections may be associated with the preparation by the regulator and the Ministry of Finance of the system of guaranteeing the rights of members of NGOs,”— said the managing Director of “Expert RA” Pavel Mitrofanov. According to him, the inspection may be conducted on the “distant approaches” to implementing a system of guarantee of voluntary programmes in order to understand what the regulator and the funds themselves will face when entering the system. He also does not rule out incentives for owners of assets to sell them to larger players.Ilya Usov
CB is in contact with the NPF The regulator walked on small funds